Insurgent a mid blockbuster

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Why all the funny titles of blogs, because they want you to think they are a trilogy that keeps going on and on. We have seen multiple book to film adaptation trilogies released all have serious sounding titles and could easily be mocked in a parody sometime in the near future. Even with the serious sounding title this movie was on the bleeding edge of what in the 1980’s we would have called a B movie. I can imagine re-watching this movie 10 years from now and laughing. The Insurgent movie is not a bad movie at all, but it is annoying at times. When watching the movie in a reclining seat I was relaxed into shivers all over. There have been or will be study’s linking this feeling to serotonin or some other brain chemical being forcefully released in mass into our brains. Even with this pleasing feeling the movie felt like it floundered to find it’s way at times. It did have better FX than the first film. From the beginning scene that set the tone of trying to make allusions to a smarter, more adult script than the first Divergent film. To the second serum scene in the Trilogy with it’s fantastic visuals which was well placed but largely fell flat. To the ending which finally answered our nagging questions of when is the director, script writer and author going to admit to us this is yet another film from the entertainment factory.

Female authors tend to throw big words around like candy to a baby in their books. This series is no exception since it basically revolves around them. That factor was minimal in the actual books since it is geared towards young adults. The action scenes were fairly un-inspired and lack luster which might help the movie focus on it driving factor, a post-apocalyptic world running on fumes and a solid psychological aspect.

If you liked the premise of movies like the Matrix you might like this series. With that said it also has elements of other recently released movies like Maze Runner and Hunger Games. It comes from a different realm however so be warned don’t try too hard to understand what is going on. Just sit back and let it happen and you might get something out of it. There are too many unresolved plot threads to hope to figure out, maybe that will help the third movie come through.

Not that movies have to be factual to be enjoyable and this movie is going to be enjoyable to some people. However, others will find it slow in the beginning and fast at the end. Either way that can be crowd pleasing. In fact, people were clapping at the end giving it kudos. Most of the time when expecting to see an action movie I would prefer more action and less melodrama. This movie does not deliver on that, probably because they had to set the scene for the next movie. It does well in that respect, much better in fact than the first Divergent film. If the third film dispenses completely with drawing us in for a fourth and fifth movie it may be even better than Insurgent, but being that the author has already written quite a few more books I seriously doubt it.

Be that as it may the book review will be coming soon here-after and then we will really see the differences between the series.

Insurgent - Divergent series book to film adaptation review


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